Well it's been a long time since our last update. Busy, Busy, Busy and lots of exciting announcements due in the next few months.
Still getting about 50 - 60 requests a month for Music & Artists - so if you think you have the talent - get in touch and send us your links (jim@globalmusicentertainments.com).
So what else can I tell you about NOW!!
Well had a lovely day down at Henley Business School yesterday (http://www.henley.ac.uk/mba/henley-mba-music-industry.aspx)
Check Out the Video's:
1. www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3O73BizFKw&feature=plcp
2. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm04OQ83ro4&feature=plcp
3. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWN5kftcNvQ&feature=context-cha
If an MBA is not quite your level - then contact us for a chat a FREE Career Development advice.
Here at Global after 25 years in the Music Industry - we are committed to developing young talent to succeed long term in this business. That is our business - that is our Passion!!
Not just Artists & Songwriters - but also Label Owners, Manager, Producers and future Music Business Entrepreneurs.
One of the best pieces of advice someone in this business gave me for success is.
"If you want something in this business (music) or indeed any business - just ask" If you don't ask you don't get" NO doesn't hurt - it may dent your pride a little bit - but it doesn't hurt. It might take 10 No's to get 1 Yes. But at some point you will get a yes for whatever it is you are asking for".
Record, Publishing, Management Deal.
etc etc etc
"Just Ask"
To quote Helen GAmmons (MBA) Programme Director at Henley Business School and author of the acclaimed "The Art of Music Publishing".
"It is important to sow seeds in this business - and then water your garden frequently in order to grow flowers, plants and eventually your own beautiful garden of success - networking is key"
More later.
The Global Music Team